New Incubees for V-LAB
June 28, 2021 4:46 am | Posted in Business Profiles | Share now TwitterFacebook

What is your Name?
- My Name is Dalida Borlasa.
Where Are You from?
I am From Malekula island.
.What is your Business Idea?
The Idea of the Business is to do Recycling of all sorts of Plastics.
What inspires the idea?
- My Business Idea is to help protect and Save the Environment from Plastic Pollution.
- Create Job Opportunities for Communities
- To earn income in order to sustain my family and other vulnerable groups.
What are your hopes for this Business?
- To grow and expand business to other islands in Vanuatu.
- To reduce the amount of plastic waste in our environment.
- To provide job opportunities / income
What do you hope to learn in the V-LAB incubation Program as an incubee?
I hope to learn how to:
- Manage a business
- Be resilient
- Budgeting
- Marketing etc.
What is your advice to other entrepreneurs with big ideas?
- My advice to them is to stay focus, Aim High and work hard towards their goals/dreams.