JEAN JACQUES NIRUA of Klin Energy Vanuatu
September 25, 2021 10:45 pm | Posted in Business Profiles | Share now TwitterFacebook

Klin Energy Vanuatu is all about clean green energy. A family owned business that is looking to grow. Jean Jacques Nirua travelled all the way from Tanna to be part of the Market Haos cycle with shedding light on business matters as his sole goal.
Klin Energy Vanuatu has been a registered business since 2017. The Business wants people to benefit from solar energy as it is the clean, financially wise choice. The Klin energy team is a 4 man and 1 woman team that has delivered solar power to the convention center, the Mini games hosted in 2017, Santo, Malekula, Tanna and even New Caledonia.
“Solar Energy is a good source of power as it helps decrease pollution meaning it is the environmentally conscious choice. Plus, you only spend once when getting solar powered” says Mr Nirua.
Jean Jacques had spent 2 years at the Vanuatu Institute of Technology taking Electrical courses. He shares that he
was passionate about this subject as it fascinated him and states loving what you build your business on is important
because when you love what you do, you will always do it well.
The Solar Business is the exclusive supplier of PBOX X5 in the Pacific. Compared to other solar suppliers, Klin energy is no only an exclusive supplier but it is a business that travels though out Vanuatu and the Pacific as well as an
added bonus of free installations when you get power from Klin energy.

Jean Jacques says; “I joined Market Haos because I want to learn how to construct a proper business
plan in times of crisis. This COVID situation has swung everything off track and I want to know where to start with
a new plan. I am also hoping to learn better marketing and networking in my time here”
According to Mr Nirua, the market for green energy has a large potential as more and more people are recognizing
its advantages and benefits especially in rural areas and Klin Energy is looking to grow so that it can be at the service of the people.
The Market Haos incubee advises those with big ideas to not let dream breakers feed you their negative thoughts.
“Your ideas matter, stay confident in them. Move forward and grow them and do not be afraid to ask for help from
places like V-LAB. They will help bring your ideas to life”