Vessel Monitoring App Launched
April 26, 2022 9:29 pm | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook

The Ifira Shipping Agency (ISA) in partnership with the Vanuatu Ocean Watch (VOW) launched a new product last week — the Vessel Monitoring Application.
This application was developed specifically for customers of LC Sarafenua to access real-time information regarding the scheduled operations of the vessel.
It can be accessed by Android and iOS phone users. The Vessel Monitoring App can be downloaded for free from the Google Playstore and the Apple App Store.
VOW is a locally registered Vessel Monitoring Systems provider.
The VOW spokesperson acknowledged that this newly developed phone application will allow customers to track and monitor families and cargoes on board the vessel.
This application can also send SMS notifications to notify its clients in the islands when the vessel is approaching or leaving a particular island.
LC Sarafenua, through the ISA has become the first inter-island vessel to benefit from this App.
Plans are already in place that from next month, VOW would include more ships in the App to ensure efficient, timely, and accessible information to passengers and clients of these vessels.