Shanghai Trades Commissioner donates medical kits to MOH
July 8, 2020 12:21 am | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook
By Jason Abel
The Trade Commissioner to Shanghai in China, has donated 10,000 face masks and 300 COVID-19 test kits to the Ministry of Health this week.
Director of the Public Health, Len Tarivonda received the donation on behalf of the MOH, witnessed by the Director of Foreign Affairs and External Trades, Mr Yvon Basil.
Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Health, Mr Tarivonda welcomed the donation provided by the Trades Commissioner of Shanghai, China.
He said that the materials will be handed over to the Vila Central Hospital to address the global pandemic crisis.
He further acknowledged the Trades Commissioner for the assistance and support. Mr Tarivonda confirmed that the kits will be handed over to the Vila Central hospital (VCH).
Tarivonda received the donation from a member of the Chinese community at the Chinese Club building.