Small Business Success: Lepsu Organic Expands into Port Vila Market

Santo-based businessman Odil Soksok has expanded his business by traveling to Port Vila to meet the market demand.

Mr. Odil Soksok.

Mr. Soksok is the Owner of Lepsu Organic and is originally from Malekula Island but lives on the east coast of Santo Island. He faced the challenge of being far from Luganville town, which is about 40 kilometers away.

However, he saw an opportunity to do business in the bustling market of Port Vila and seized it, where he is proving small businesses in Vanuatu can thrive by being creative and adaptable.

Soksok’s determination and belief in the appeal of his products led him to establish a small production facility, taking advantage of the growing interest in organic goods

Lepsu Organic specialises in products made mainly from coconuts and local Vanuatu ingredients.

They initially focused on creating Coconut oil, Ginger oil, Aloe Vera oil, Moringa oil, and Turmeric oil. These products, available in both soap and oil forms, have gained popularity among consumers.

According to Soksok, when he arrived in Port Vila market, he brought 60 litres of oil with him, and they sold out quickly. He mentioned that every day, more people are interested in buying his products.

“Lepsu Organic’s success is a dedication to using top-notch natural ingredients. Even though their premium products might cost a bit more, customers love the quality they get for their money,” he said.

In Port Vila’s crowded market, Soksok’s beauty care products, especially the Aloe Vera soap, have gained attention for effectively addressing various skin conditions.

The positive impact on customers’ hair and skin has made their reputation as a brand that delivers results.

He emphasises the importance of choosing the right location to easily reach the target market. Reflecting on his journey, Soksok shares valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

“In every business, the key to sustainability is generating income. You may have a great business plan, but without a source of income, it may not succeed. In our case, the market is the primary income generator,” he said.

As Lepsu Organic continues to thrive in Port Vila, they are considering future expansion possibilities..

“We are currently located in Beverly Hills, but we may explore different locations in the future. Our goal is to expand our reach and meet the growing demand,” he said.

Soksok extends his gratitude to his customers in Port Vila who have shown interest in his products. He assures them that ordering is easy and delivery is currently free.

“I want to thank all my customers who have bought my products during the two weeks I’ve been in Port Vila. If our products have helped you, please continue to support us and spread the word to your families and friends,” he concluded.
