
Half Yearly Economic and Fiscal Update 2022

In July, the Vanuatu Govt published its half-yearly Economic and Fiscal Update. The published report outlines the state of the Economy and how the Vanuatu Government has been managing its fiscal policy. In this article, the VBR will summarize the key points covered in this reportOverview Read more»

The Vanuatu Employment Conundrum

The Vanuatu Employment Conundrum

Arguably, employees of any organization are the most valuable resource in an organization. Productive, motivated and well remunerated staff are behind any successful organization.At 2.4%, Vanuatu had one of the highest rates of population growth rate for 2020 in the world, outside of Africa. In the Oceania region, it is only exceeded by Solomon Islands at 2.5%. Over half of the population (53.64%) is under the age of 24. Each year, thousands of young ni vanuatu leave school and go out in the workforce. The prospects of finding jobs for these school leavers is very much dependent upon economic growth with demand for new employees only coming about through growth in the economy and new business investments. Read more»

