Vaiduhu Training Centre Signs Agreement with DARD to Produce Vegetable Seedlings


Director of DARD Antoine Ravo and Vaiduhu manager, Rexon Moli exchanging the signed agreement

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) and Vaiduhu Vocational Training Centre (VTC) on East Malo have signed a Partnership Service Agreement for the Centre to raise 2,500 trays of vegetable seedlings for DARD to distribute to farmers and Malo communities devastated by Tropical Cyclone Harold.

Seedlings to be produced are tomato, head cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and capsicum.

Vaiduhu offers an agriculture certificate course for young farmers, with 25 students currently enrolled.

Since 2017, a new course referred to as Young Farmers Development was inserted and accredited courses delivered include Certificate one in Agriculture.

Moli Henry who is the founder of the training centre said, “The main purpose of setting up VTC was to provide an opportunity for young people on Malo who do not undergo formal education and are in the communities to gain training that will assist them in their living”.

The Centre has an existing seedling production program, and this partnership will help strengthen their capacity while delivering the Government’s objective to increase production and restore food security of disaster affected communities.

Seeds supplied as part of this agreement is funded by Land Care Research and The Pacific Community (SPC) Seeds for Life Project.
