Pikinini playtime offers VT8,000 discount in 2nd term tuition
April 22, 2022 12:49 am | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook

Pikinini playtime is is offering a VT8,000 discounts in school fees for the 2nd school term and is hopeful that the government will introduce school fee subsidies to support private school parents.
The Business Manager of Pikinini Playtime, Tony Batten mentions that term 2 started Tuesday of this week an students are still learning from Home School Packages. because there is no classroom delivery, Pikinini Playtime saw fit to discount the tuition fees for students.
” Normal fees are VT38,000 but the discount takes away VT8,000 only for this term. There is a VT5,000 per term discount when parents pay upfront for the fess that is applicable all year.” says Mr Batten.
Pikinini Playtime is hopeful to be included in the next school fee subsidy that will be allocated to students accounts.
Mr Batten mentions that the school has confirmed with the Government that it has up to date data on the Vanuatu Education Management Information System (VEMIS) which is one of the things that makes schools eligible for the criteria.