NBV IsiMobile App offers school fee payment avenue
January 7, 2022 3:02 am | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook
By Jason Abel

The National Bank of Vanuatu (NBV) has included a new feature in its IsiMobile App for Android mobiles, to assist its customers with payment of school fees.
NBV’s Digital Transformation Manager, Oliver Joshua, is encouraging its customers, especially student parents and guardians to download the App via Play Store. He mentioned the App includes the school fee payment option, where customers can pay school fees directly into the school’s bank account instead of approaching the NBV Office.
Mr. Joshua stated there are 470 schools registered at NBV. The new avenue is an exclusive offer for busy parents and those residing in remote areas, to avoid costly exercises to the NBV office or its branches, for fee payments but to pay via the IsiMobile App.
With the holiday season coming to an end soon and examination results already out, parents are now faced with school fee issues to ensure their children are enrolled in this year’s academic programs.
In a short video, Mr. Joshua said schools have been included in the App. He added it covers primary and secondary schools, including tertiary institutions such as Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT) and the University of the South Pacific’s Emalus campus.
“Parents can access the schools account via the App to proceed payments,” he said.
“Parents and guardians need to insert students’ names and school term payments. We want our customers across the board to get notified on the opportunity to avoid costly exercises. It is accessible for parents overseas as well.”
He mentioned that NBV will be informing its customers on the new updates and development within its IsiMobile app in the coming days. A satisfied NBV customer said she is very happy with the school fee payment service. She said that it is a boost to the IsiMobile App.
She added it makes life easier because customers now have the option to pay school fees directly, regardless of their location.