Wilco Round Island Relay returns
July 27, 2024 12:08 am | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook
By Nicholas Mwai.

Wilco Round Island Relay, one of Vanuatu’s largest relay events, returns today, after a four-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year’s relay promises excitement and fierce competition with 11 teams participating and nine checkpoints spread across the course.
The event will start early, with runners, timekeepers, and participants expected to gather by 3am-4am.
The mixed team race and the female race starts at 5:30am, and the male team race at 6am.
Coordinator of the competition, Eddie Bangalulu, said that schools want to join, with two of them participating and each having two separate groups.
The relay features ten cadale with various stops along the route. Cars will follow the runners, and teams will be stationed at checkpoints to record times and ensure smooth transitions.
“The villagers are very ready for the runners, and we are also looking at decorations, the best-decorated village will receive a prize for first, second, and third place,” Bangalulu mentioned.
“We have police forces and security personnel for safety measures, and a ProMedical team will be on standby in case of injuries.”
she also advised the public and supporters to stay at a safe distance.
The course spans approximately 150 km around Efate, with each runner expected to cover 2 to 3km.
Checkpoints are placed, with the first checkpoint at Tamate Stream and the final one at Teouma Bridge before returning to the starting point at Wilco.