Wharf infrastructure remains a challenge for services to reach islands

By Glenda Willie and Kizzy Kalsakau.

The Chairman of the Vanuatu Shipping Association, Andrew Bohn, has acknowledged that wharf infrastructure poses a major challenge for providing services to the islands.

He referred to Malekula, as having a decent wharf and a secure harbour at Litzlitz, complemented by well-connected roads facilitating better cargo distribution, similar to the situation on Efate.

He mentioned that this should be the same for other islands. If the government is investing in improving roads, they should also prioritise upgrading wharfs.

This ensures that cargo can reach all areas effectively. By improving the road network, productivity across the islands can be boosted.

Bohn reiterated that decent wharves and better roads are important to the shipping industry, and they should go hand in hand for efficient transportation.

Regarding how the association plans to address the challenge of limited access to shipping services in various parts of Vanuatu, Mr. Bohn acknowledged the difficulties faced by people in these parts of Vanuatu.

He noted that ships do not often go to the islands in the south as well as up north, and sometimes even sail past those in the Shepherds group without making stops.

He explained that this is due to the profitable routes for the vessels.

Bohn explained that the vessels typically choose routes where there’s a lot of cargo to move because those routes make the most money.

For example, Malekula or Tanna see a high volume of cargo traffic, so most ship owners focus their attention there.

He also agreed that this is important to consider, and the association will work with the government to find a solution to ensure shipping services are accessed in those areas.

Bohn also mentioned TORBA Province, where there are many people, but it is far away. He said using a lot of diesel to travel there would make shipping more expensive. He referred to it as a “serious concern.”

Anthony Tonner from the South Sea Cargo, also the Vice Chairman of the association mentioned that they used to send containers with cargoes to Santo, Malekula, and Tanna.

However, they had to stop sending containers to Tanna by the end of 2022 because it was not safe for their trucks to operate there due to unsafe berthing conditions.

He also reiterated that they want to start sending containers to Tanna again, but it is not safe for them to continue because of the unsafe conditions at the port.

There is a high demand for goods on Tanna because people there want more items to reach their island. However, it is also difficult to ship goods there because of the rough sea conditions.

The association is committed to addressing this issue by engaging with Tanna’s MPs to find a solution for investing in a proper wharf on the island.

Currently, there’s the Bethel area where the Vanuatu Ferry usually docks, but it’s not a proper wharf.

There is also the Lenakel wharf, which is only safe to use during good weather conditions.

While the government is investing in roads and the airport on Tanna, it’s important to also focus on constructing a proper wharf. Many ships have been damaged at the Lenakel wharf.

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