Red Cross continues TC Lola recovery efforts with community training and shelter programs

By Ezra Toara.

The Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) has transitioned from emergency response in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone (TC) Lola in October 2023 to recovery efforts. The VRCS Shelter Team has been actively conducting various activities during this recovery phase.

VRCS Shelter Officer, Samandra Gete, shared that their current activities include shelter kit training. This training is conducted alongside the distribution of Non-Food Items (NFIs) in communities. Gete explained that volunteers may have distributed NFIs without sufficient explanation, necessitating additional community visits. The VRCS runs training sessions with volunteers on how to properly explain and use NFIs during distributions.

Gete stated that training sessions have already been conducted on Pentecost involving 20 volunteers from North Pentecost, and similar sessions took place at Lakatoro on Malekula, involving another 20 volunteers. These are the initial activities completed.

The next activities planned are shelter awareness training and thatch training. Shelter awareness training emphasises four key messages: safe location, strong foundation, strong connection, and strong roofing. To clarify these concepts, the VRCS uses a small house model to visually demonstrate principles and help reduce cyclone risks. Training sessions have been conducted on Pentecost, Malekula, West Ambrym, and South East Ambrym, focusing the shelter team’s efforts in these areas.

Additionally, Gete mentioned a new programme called the “Shelter shopping list,” aimed at residents on the eastern side of Pentecost. This programme identifies eligible households to receive materials based on assessments already conducted. The process of purchasing and delivering these materials to the island’s eastern side is ongoing.

The VRCS Shelter Team aims to complete these activities by October this year, according to their planned timeline.

