Public want Wong building demolished
March 10, 2025 9:56 pm | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook
By Doddy Morris.

The Wong building at Tagabe, which was damaged during the December earthquake, has yet to be demolished, despite approval from the Port Vila City Council Planning (PVCC).
The building has been caught on fire twice-on February 28 and March 9.
Local business owners told the Daily Post that Ms. Wong, the building’s owner, has travelled abroad and is not expected to return until October.
The Low Price shop, located next to the Wong Building, reported that the first fire started small with smoke, but the second fire was much larger.
They said that the fire may have been caused by people living nearby who had been entering the building and removing items.
A source from the Wan Smol Bag area, however, reported that the security team did not see anyone enter the building, and they believed someone started the fire.
There is also a public opinion suggesting that the fire could have been caused by the electrical wires still active in the building.
After the first fire, the fire department reportedly did not extinguish the smoke, and it continued to billow out of the building. A local resident who finished work at 4:30pm on the day of the second fire confirmed that the smoke persisted throughout the afternoon.
Public concern has also been raised regarding the delay in the building’s demolition. Some question why the Wong building, located on a busy road used by thousands of people, has not been prioritized for demolition, while other buildings located further from the public have been demolished first.
Many are concerned that the authorities seem to prioritize financial gain over public safety.
According to reports, the building owner was in direct contact with the demolition company, and the application for demolition had already been approved, awaiting the demolition process.
The Vanuatu Police Force was contacted for comment but has yet to respond regarding the fire.