Owner of Japanese Shop “J-Life” promotes quality and healthier food options

By Doddy Morris.

Jie Liang, the owner of “J-life,” the only Japanese shop in Port Vila that specialises in authentic Japanese products, is making waves by offering healthier and high-quality food options to residents of Vanuatu.

Having spent over 20 years in Japan, Liang is committed to bringing the essence of Japan’s food safety and quality to the local market, setting his shop apart from the rest.

After a recent visit to Santo, Liang observed that many shops in the area were offering similar products, often lacking in quality and health benefits. “I noticed that a lot of the food sold in shops in Santo wasn’t healthy,” Liang stated. “Having lived in Japan for so long, I understand the importance of safe, quality food, and I want to bring that to Vanuatu.”

Liang’s customers at J-life are a diverse mix, primarily from the Japanese, Chinese, and broader Asian communities, along with some Europeans. However, with the opening of a new branch in Port Vila main town, he has seen a growing number of Ni-Vanuatu customers discovering the benefits of authentic Japanese products.

Liang strategically chose to establish his business in Port Vila due to its larger population and stronger economic environment. “Port Vila has more people, and more people have money,” Liang explained. “If the business runs well here, I plan to open a branch in Santo next year.”

Liang’s goal is not just to sell products but to bring a different standard to Vanuatu’s food industry. “Many stores sell low-quality products. I want to make a difference by providing high-quality food and products. I don’t want to take advantage of other stores; I want to set a higher standard.”

He also encourages Japanese investors looking to establish businesses in Vanuatu to focus on offering quality products. “If Japanese investors want to come to Vanuatu, I advise them to not follow the same business model as others. Vanuatu is slowly developing, and people are becoming more aware of their health and the importance of good food.”

Liang emphasises the durability of Japanese products, noting that they last longer and are healthier. “The food you buy should last, not spoil in a month, forcing you to buy more. Japanese products offer quality that lasts.”

Through J-life, Liang hopes to foster stronger ties between Vanuatu and Japan, encouraging both countries to grow together by promoting healthier lifestyles and quality products.

J-life continues to pave the way for better food choices in Vanuatu, with Liang’s passion for quality and customer care making a lasting impact on the community.

Meanwhile, Pacific Islands Centre (PIC), held a “Vanuatu Business Seminar” on Thursday, September 26th at Meiji University Shikonkan, where Mr. Alick Robsen Joe, the Investment Promotion and Facilitation Manager from the Vanuatu Financial Investment Promotion Agency (VFIPA) was invited.

During the business Seminar, it is reported by PIC that about 30 people from public and private sectors who are interested in doing business with Vanuatu attended the seminar.

PIC stated that their collaboration with VFIPA would use this seminar as an opportunity to further deepen their collaboration to expand business between Japan and Vanuatu.

