New Price List Including Previously Excluded Vegetables to be Implemented in Port Vila Municipal Market by Early April, Says PMCA CEO

By Sabrina Tabi.

A new price list will be implemented by early April to include vegetables that were not included in the current price list issued to the Port Vila City Council (PVCC) by the Price Monitoring and Consumer Affairs (PMCA) earlier this year.

The above information was disclosed by the PMCA Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mrs. Lissie Taura, yesterday in response to posts circulating on social media regarding the relatively high prices of certain produce in the Municipal market.

CEO Taura conveyed that the PMCA Bureau has been made aware of these produce items, which were not included in the current price list, and will update it following a review in early April this year.

Since the implementation of the use of scales, the CEO said the PVCC has taken a big step in introducing permits, which mandate vendors to use scales. “It is only proper that we await the implementation of the newly issued permit,” she added.

Mrs. Taura explained that the Bureau will use the feedback on the implementation to assess the upcoming review, aiming to strengthen measures while simultaneously addressing any pricing issues faced by vendors.

This review will take place towards the end of this month and will involve various stakeholders.

The CEO also mentioned that PMCA is already collaborating with Manples Market and Korman Market to review their price lists, which will also be issued in April.

Additionally, PMCA received an additional 50 electronic scales this week through shipment, intended for use by vendors who will be issued permits by the market managers after undergoing training conducted by the PMCA.

The date for this training is yet to be confirmed.

According to Mrs. Taura, the implementation of electronic scales, as far as the Bureau is concerned, is proceeding smoothly, despite some initial challenges where vendors are gradually adjusting to this unit price approach.

She revealed that the Bureau maintains a weekly visit to the PVCC main market to inspect and ensure that the implementation of scales is not causing any inconvenience to the vendors.

