ADB supports climate and disaster resilience in Vanuatu

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) joined the Government of Vanuatu in a groundbreaking ceremony last week to start the construction of a multipurpose emergency shelter—a key component of the Greater Port Vila Urban Resilience Project.

Vanuatu’s Minister of Internal Affairs Andrew Napuat led the ceremony, with ADB Senior Project Officer Maria Tran in attendance.

“The Greater Port Vila Urban Resilience project will improve urban resilience in the Greater Port Vila area and benefit nearly 16,000 people,” said Ms Tran.

The Greater Port Vila area is vulnerable to existing natural hazards, exacerbated by other climate change impacts, including earthquakes, cyclones, annual rainfall increase, sea level rise, storm surge, and increased temperatures.

The $12.63 million project is cofunded through the Global Environment Facility, the Ireland Trust Fund, and the Asian Development Fund (ADF), which provides grants to ADB’s poorest and most vulnerable developing member countries. The ADF is replenished every 4 years by its donor countries.

The emergency shelter, which will be located at Seaside Showground in Center Ward, will have sanitation facilities and a market area.

The project aims to improve urban resilience through capacity building, institutional strengthening, and the construction of three multipurpose emergency shelters located in Seaside, Freshwota, and Korman areas.
