Port Vila market vendors seek support from Mayor Regenvanu

By Amona Kellen.

Vendors at the Port Vila Municipal Market have made a formal appeal to Mayor Jenny Regenvanu, requesting several improvements to upgrade their working conditions.

Their requests include the provision of chairs, the removal of table fees, free access to toilets, and the supply of free tampons in the market’s restrooms.

Serah Napuat, a vendor from Tanna who operates near the road, highlighted the strong conditions faced by those selling outside.

“We mamas endure many difficulties as we are exposed to the full force of the sun and rain when the market is full inside,” she said.

“We need the Lady Mayor’s support to install or hang a tarpaulin to shield us from these elements.”

The vendors, who serve the public daily, stress the need for this basic service to ensure a safer and more comfortable working environment.

Evana Nase from Efate added another concern, emphasising the need for additional rubbish bins.

“The market needs more bins in every corner. When there aren’t enough plastic bags, rubbish collect everywhere, creating a safety risk for both tourists and locals. We must maintain cleanliness to ensure the market remains welcoming,” she said.

Several market vendors are also supporting Napuat and Nase for the request to Mayor Jenny Regenvanu.

In response, Mayor Regenvanu indicated that any concerns or requests from the market vendors should be directed to the market manager.

“Vendors need to raise their issues with the market manager before I can address them,” she said.

The appeal from the Port Vila Municipal Market vendors underscores their need for better support and facilities to improve their daily operations and overall market experience.
