MILROY CAINTOIN:From Software Engineer toEntrepreneur Extraordinaire
February 15, 2024 3:50 am | Posted in Business Profiles | Share now TwitterFacebook

the owner of
Pikinini Bar
Academic Background and Professional Journey
Milroy Caintoin, a seasoned software engineer graduate, has traversed the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector for over 15 years. His expertise predominantly lies in IT, where he has made significant strides. Caintoin’s commitment to empowering young women in the field led him to co-found SMART Sisters, a platform dedicated to training and mentoring girls for global robotic competitions.

Beyond his technological endeavours, Caintoin has also delved into the realm of politics, serving as a political advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU). Additionally, he chaired the Vanuatu Postal Service, spearheading innovative initiatives such as Quick Pay and an E-Commerce Platform.
Caintoin’s diplomatic acumen came to the forefront when he was appointed as a special envoy to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jotham Napat. This appointment facilitated meaningful discussions between UAE delegations and Vanuatu officials, paving the way for potential collaborations such as the upgrading of Pekoa Airport in Santo.
Entrepreneurial Ventures and Vision
Drawing from his diverse experiences, Caintoin exudes confidence in his latest entrepreneurial venture, Pikinini Bar. He attributes his assurance to a robust network cultivated over the years, comprising politicians, business magnates, investors, and industry stakeholders. Caintoin’s active engagement on social media platforms, particularly on his Facebook page ‘Vanuatu Dialogue Live,’ further amplifies his reach and influence.

Pikinini Bar, initially met with scepticism by peers, stands as a testament to Caintoin’s resilience and innovative spirit. His decision to establish a fruit juice bar stemmed from a belief in its health benefits, including aiding in detoxification, rejuvenation, and combating non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Moreover, Caintoin’s business model prioritizes accessibility by offering freshly made, organic juices at affordable prices.
Community Impact and Future Endeavors
Embracing a socially responsible approach, Pikinini Bar actively supports local farmers by procuring ingredients at fair prices. This symbiotic relationship fosters economic empowerment and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. Caintoin’s vision extends beyond the confines of his bar, with plans to introduce a fruit juice trailer, home delivery services via electric bikes, and a user-friendly mobile application for seamless ordering.
Undeterred by challenges, Caintoin remains steadfast in his pursuit of innovation and progress. His entrepreneurial journey embodies the essence of resilience, determination, and a commitment to creating positive change within his community and beyond. As Caintoin asserts, “This is not a dream; it will happen before the end of this year.”