UNELCO brings power to Malafau
October 5, 2021 12:22 am | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook

Over 50 households in Malafau, northern Efate stand to benefit from UNELCO’s extension of the electric network.
The extension was inaugurated on Friday, October 1 2021.
“A big thank you for the exceptionally good collaboration between the community, the authorities, the UNELCO and the Vaté teams to enable this extension in only a few months,’’ the Managing Director of UNELCO, Marc Perraud stated in his official remarks at the opening ceremony.
The works included more than 2 kilometers of aerial and subterranean cable being laid, several transformers, creating 27 customer connections and a VT15 million investment.
UNELCO Engie and the community expect that in time more than 50 households should be connected to the electric system and enjoy reliable energy supply.
The Director of the Department of Energy, Anthony Garae, was part of the inauguration ceremony, also reminded the community of the importance that inter-customer solidarity plays in making such extensions possible.
“A last plea to the community, the services we utilize is not free,” he said. “Vt10 that you spend today goes towards helping people around Efate access electricity.”
Members of the Malafau community, represented by their Chief, expressed their gratitude and recognized their blessing for both the recent improvement to their water supply and now the connection to the electricity network.
Bringing power to Malafau is the first project of UNELCO ENGIE’s 5-year investment and development plan approved in June 2021. More Efate communities should be connected in the future and the plan also includes significant investments to increase renewable energy supply.