Australian engineers complete structural assessments with MIPU and PWD
February 3, 2025 10:15 pm | Posted in Business News | Share now TwitterFacebook
Compiled by Adorina Massing.

The Public Works Department (PWD) conducted a wrap-up session with Australian engineers on structural assessments of public buildings in Vanuatu’s capital on January 30, 2025.
The two structural engineers deployed by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to Port Vila completed the structural assessments of key government buildings and will be returning to Australia.
Their work, conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU) and PWD’s assessment team, provides important insights into the condition of these buildings following the recent devastating 7.3 earthquake.
They presented a summary of their findings to the MIPU Director General (DG), PWD Director, DFAT representatives, and other key officials.
Their assessments covered major structures, including the Ministry of Finance, the Prime Minister’s Office, Foreign Affairs, the Presidential Palace, Parliament House, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Market House, Climate Change Department, Air Control Tower, Supreme Court Chambers, and Supreme Court Offices.
The engineers will now finalise their reports, which will be submitted to MIPU in order of priority. These reports will outline structural integrity, necessary repairs, and long-term options, including possible reconstruction where required.
This assessment is part of Australia’s ongoing commitment to supporting Vanuatu’s recovery.
The MIPU DG expressed deep appreciation for DFAT’s support, noting that these assessments will play a key role in guiding informed decisions on restoring and strengthening Vanuatu’s infrastructure, especially with the public buildings.