Enhancing fresh produce exports to NZ market focus of today’s forum

A Mini-Trade Forum will be held in Port Vila today to facilitate discussions between exporters and importers on boosting fresh produce exports from Vanuatu to New Zealand (NZ).

The forum will feature NZ importers attending in person to engage directly with Vanuatu growers, exporters, and supply chain stakeholders. Trade agencies such as Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) will be present to support discussions, alongside funding partners including Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access (PHAMA) Plus, Business Link Pacific, and the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus.

This event is part of the Enhanced Pacific Market Access Partnership (EPMAP) Program, aimed at reviewing approved market pathways to improve exports of fresh fruits, vegetables, and root crops to NZ.

Funded by the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and co-facilitated by the Department of Biosecurity and the NZ Ministry for Primary Industries, the workshop aligns with the outcomes set in the Ministry of Agriculture’s Corporate Plan 2022-2025.

Director General (DG) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Timothy Tumukon, emphasised the importance of key players in the value chain understanding their roles and making a difference during this week’s engagement.

“This third workshop will be even better as we start connecting our Vanuatu farmers and exporters with NZ importers and relevant agencies that can assist with these connections,” he said.

“For this reason, the Mini-Trade Forum aims to ensure that key players in the Vanuatu export pathway can connect with importers in NZ and discuss how partners can support their capacity, capability, and profile as entrepreneurs to grow and export to NZ.”

The workshop was opened by Minister Xavier Harry on Monday, with attendance by NZ Deputy High Commissioner, DG Tumukon, and the Director of Agriculture. Participants include producers, exporters, stakeholders, partners, and public sector agencies.
